50 Things In 2018

Happy New Year friends!

I unplugged over the holidays from the blog, if you couldn't tell already.  We had houseguests, dinners, parties & so much relaxing, that The Bottomless Cup took a backseat during that crazy couple weeks. I hope you all had an amazing time with family and friends & are ready to plunge into the new year, like I am. We're getting back into our everyday routines & as a mom to a wild 4 year old, I'm ready for school to start back up.

Every year at the beginning of the year, I think about all the things I want accomplish throughout the year, whether it something big, small, adventurous, or silly.  Does anyone else do this?  I don't make resolutions; that word just sets me up for failure.  Instead, I list things I want to accomplish or do throughout the year so when I look back, I feel like it was a well spent year.

Creating a list & sharing it helps keep me accountable while allowing me to update my progress throughout the year. I'll do my best to update quarterly here with how things are going; you may even see some posts dedicated directly to some of these specific goals.

Here's my list of things I want to accomplish in 2018:
  1. a healthy skin care routine
  2. get moving & exercise 3 times a week
  3. time management for a cleaner home
  4. expand my culinary skills
  5. learning to say no for my mental health
  6. grow my social media accounts & blog
  7. explore new places
  8. find & complete sewing projects
  9. grow some of our own vegetables
  10. regular monthly/bimonthly dinner parties with our friends
  11. check off more from our ballpark bucket list
  12. read 10 books, cover to cover
  13. make beef bourguignon
  14. get & ride a bicycle
  15. get a passport
  16. continue staying lactose free
  17. book a family vacation somewhere new  
  18. enroll reba in dog school
  19. build benches for our dining room table
  20. find a way to volunteer as an individual
  21. master a lactose free cheesecake
  22. family bingo game night
  23. take a cookie decorating lesson  
  24. swim lessons for benjamin
  25. launch a youtube channel
  26. restore an old friendship
  27. master my instant pot & work my way through the cookbook i got
  28. go bowling more as a family (benjamin loves it!)
  29. discover a new camping spot
  30. paint remaining rooms in our house
  31. volunteer at benjamin's school
  32. subscribe to barkbox 
  33. visit canton first monday
  34. master the gregg family noodle recipe
  35. tackle & chisel away at debt / less frivolous spending
  36. make my own bath bombs
  37. visit a new walking/hiking area
  38. make our own valentines 
  39. go to the ballet  
  40. eat dinner on the patio whenever possible
  41. find a quilt project & begin (& maybe complete)
  42. visit a you pick farm
  43. play topgolf
  44. explore a new city with a day trip
  45. build our savings account
  46. visit seaquest aquarium
  47. make some custom shirts for my wardrobe
  48. tour a new museum
  49. visit a wood sign diy studio
  50. make my own pasta
Here's to 2018! Let's do this! Stay tuned to see my progress throughout the year.

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