Top 5 Affordable, Indoor Activities for Kids During Summer

Summer, we've been going at it for like 30 days now. Maybe a few more.  We've been enjoying the warmer days, because hello, swimming.  I find myself to be that mom who can't wait for swim season since its something fun & outdoors to do that will wear the kids out. Then swim season arrives & I've got a case of the "it's too hot, let's do something inside" syndrome.   Can I get an amen?

Good thing that I have an on-going list of fun things to do during summer break.

After I typed that sentence, Benjamin asked when his new video games were going to be here. He picked some up with tooth fairy money & he's still in the age group that believes delivery from anywhere in the USA is same day. July 1st, y'all.  Let the angry, 6 year old image take shape for a moment.

Now that I have talked him off the ledge, I think, let's get back to fun summer things, can we?

We haven't ventured into the world of summer camps yet.  I, personally, think most of them are overpriced, but once he gets a bit older & has a passion for specific topics, like science, then we may enroll him in one to help break up the summer.

Our top favorites stay pretty consistent & you will see why.  Below are our top 5 affordable, indoor activities for your kids during summer:

1. Summer Movie Clubs:  Check you local theater for details. We have a handful of theaters locally & each of them have a different movie schedule & start times, which makes it convenient if we have other commitments.  Movies range from $1-$2 per movie, but theaters also usually offer a punch card with huge savings.

2. Library:  I am a huge advocate for the library for many reasons.  First, your taxes are already paying for it, so you should take advantage of those resident perks.  Most of your libraries have some sort of kids program, whether its year round things or only for the summer/school break times.  Also, check to see if there are any kid library card perks; with Benjamin's card, he can access ABC mouse for free while at the library. #win  Some of the summer activities we already have enjoyed include: magic show, crafts hosted by teen volunteers, balloon art class & read to a dog.

3. Kids Bowl Free:  I have talked about this & shared photos to my Instagram stories, but if your kids aren't signed up for this yet, do so, now.  We have done this twice so far & plan on going several more times, because free bowling, yes please! Check your local bowling alley once your signed up to see if they offer a lunch time special to go along with your card - our center offers a lunchbox for $6 and it includes their shoe rental & lunch.. So bowling, shoes, & lunch for $6! I do understand the more kids you have, the more expensive lunch can get, but its still affordable for fun treat.

4. Kids Skate Free: This option is similar to number 3, but rollerskating.  We haven't checked this out, because our rink doesn't participate, but here is the link to see if it may be offered where you are located.

5. Camp Creativity:  Kids meets Crafts!  Michael's offers a fun, art filled sessions for kids 3 & up.  Classes are $3 & the theme varies each week. Check the offerings & book your class here. Spots are limited, so be sure to sign up soon!

Do you have some summer activities that are always on your list?  Share them below!
Now's let's do summer right & count down until school starts once again.

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