cleburne railroaders vs texas airhogs

part of being a southern mama is that if you birth a boy, more than likely you will be inducted as a sports mom, one way or another. benjamin has proven that statement completely correct for our family. he should have been born with a baseball bat in his hand & as a baseball loving family, that's 100% ok. he just finished his second year of spring baseball & he has improved so much from the first year. 3 years & organized sports; i'll wait while that image bounces around in your head for a moment.

when he's not swinging a bat around inside or out, he's talking about wanting to, so a few weeks ago, damon saw that one of our minor league teams would be in town playing. we purchased some tickets & marked it down on the calendar. the week leading up to it was super rainy (hello 6" of rain!), so we weren't even sure, baseball night would be happening. but it did!

cleburne is about a hour south of us, so we loaded up the car when damon got home from work & set out for a night of baseball fun. their baseball park is train themed; call the depot & has real life trains inside and outside the park made for quite the conversations while waiting for the game to start.

the depot cleburne railroaders baseball

the depot cleburne railroaders baseball

that night they also had a firework show after the game, but we didn't stay for that - it was terribly late by the 6th inning, so we bailed out & headed back home. benjamin was slightly disappointed, but little does he realize what our neighborhood has in store for the 4th.

the depot cleburne railroaders baseball

cleburne railroaders benjamin

cleburne railroaders benjamin bethani

cleburne railroaders benjamin

this kid's eyelashes! mama is super jealous.

i absolutely love how intently he watches them play.

the depot cleburne railroaders baseball

cleburne railroaders benjamin

this face is the "mama stop taking pictures of me face." we've entered that stage of boyhood. oye.

benjamin thoroughly enjoyed cracking up his own peanuts. he may have talked way too much about it.

cleburne railroaders texas airhogs baseball

one more ballpark checked off.

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