sunday night swimming

moving is always on our mind. we dream & talk about it often; what's on our wishlist, what we don't want, etc.  and the consensus is pretty major: bigger backyard, trees & property. my wishlist is much more expansive, but you know, moving is tough work & its not something high on my things i want to do often list, so let's try to get as much right as possible in one fail swoop.

but then there's our current home, our first home. we purchased it five years ago & there has been quite a bit of blood, swear and tears put into this once bank owned property. it is my continual labor of love & the thought of leaving it behind for something else often makes me nauseous.  there's so many things i love about where we live & so our list is constantly making us change our minds.

enter our neighborhood pool. we actually have three in our subdivison & while you hear me complaining about the pools and the outrageous dues we pay for said pools, once the temperatures hit 90ish degrees, it comes as a welcomed benefit. our over the top humidity kicks my butt ever year. imagine a wet sauna, continually running, creating pools of sweat, on parts of your body that you didn't know were capable of sweating. yep, that's north texas for you & i will be wishing for winter in a few short weeks.

after a long weekend of projects, we threw our suits on & headed our for a cool off before winding down our weekend with tacos & sitcom (or 3.) what i love best is one of our pools has a 1 foot splash "park" area that i can sit in, while benjamin romps around without ever having to set foot in the actual pool.

sunday night swimming damon

i finally convinced hubs to some new swim trucks this year & love how he managed to find a suit that semi matches mine. i hear a senior citizen cruise calling our names.

sunday night swimming benjamin

sunday night swimming benjamin

sunday night swimming

obligatory foot photo.
yes, i do realize i need a pedicure badly.

sunday night swimming

"mama, come here so i can spray you"

sunday night swimming benjamin

my instagram may or may not be full of poolside pictures this summer, because we hit this place as soon as they open during the week for easy, little friendly entertainment.

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