arcadia round barn

When we were making plans to road trip to Tulsa for a weekend, we wanted to hop off the main highway and venture down Route 66. I've never been down Route 66, not that I'm aware of, let alone traveled to this part of Oklahoma before.

We live far enough north in Texas, that visiting Oklahoma is something we can easily do by car. On a gully washer of a Saturday morning, we loaded up the jeep and headed north. I hadn't been on I-35 north of Davis, Oklahoma is over 10 years, so everything was super built up & new to look at. We hopped off the highway in Edmond and started our little back roads adventure.

By the time we reached Edmond, it was lunchtime, so we grabbed a quick bite (well not exactly) at Pops 66 & continued on east, but on the way missed the barn. We didn't want to fall further behind on our schedule, because we had to be in Tulsa for a baseball game that started at 7, so we added the Arcadia Round Barn to our trip home itinerary.

The Arcadia Round Barn is just east of Pops 66 on Route 66 on the northside of the road. Literally, can't miss it. Parking is located across the highway & behind the barn & entry is free (plus they have bathrooms!); however they have a restoration donation box, so we donated a few bucks when we went in.

arcadia round barn

This is the domed roof, when you go up to the second story. They hold weddings and parties here all the time & once I experienced the acoustics of the dome, I knew why.

arcadia round barn feet

arcadia round barn benjamin jumping

Down the "hill" from the barn was a travel center known as the Arcadia Tourist Trap that we giggled about & wanted to browse in, but unfortunately was closed.

arcadia round barn route 66

arcadia round barn

arcadia round barn

The barn was originally built in 1898 & completed restoration after a roof collapse in the 90's. There are several volunteers that man the building & give "tours" for free. We took a gentleman up on the offer & the history of Arcadia is so rich. We passed by a crumpled stone building at one point on our adventure & learned that it was the first fueling station on Route 66 during the boom of that highway; makes we want to go back & explore there more.

arcadia round barn

arcadia round barn benjamin

The barn grounds are dotted with abandoned staircases that once led up to homes or businesses.

arcadia round barn

Arcadia Round Barn is open 7 days a week, so if you find yourself in Edmond, Oklahoma, be sure to wander down Route 66 for a tour.

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