Holy Tomatoes!


Holy tomatoes you guys!  How has it been over a year since I have posted anything?  Falling down on the job is obviously something I am really good at.  Lots of things have happened & changed since we spoke last, most noticeable, my hair.  I went dark.  REALLY dark.  But no regrets at all.  

Here's some other things that have happened since I've been here: 

- I've moved fulltime into the IT Site Tech at school - with COVID & all the hybrid to remote needs, this position has become much more active & needed. 

- We've made major investments into getting healthy.  Between Damon & I, we are down about 75 lbs. Details coming with how we're doing it - no fad diets or long hours of cardio. 

- We no longer dine out. Yeah, you read that right. More details soon on this too - this may become a whole section on how to survive without the drive thru.  I have so many go to recipes & meal ideas I use on those nights, when cooking is the last thing I want to do.

- Benjamin has braces! We knew it was only a matter of time, but sooner rather than later happened & here we are.  5 months in & the progress we have made already has been amazing.

I hope to carve out more time & make this place a thing again. I have some ideas & content that I'd love to share with you guys, but not totally sure if this will stay my lifestyle niche or go any specific direction.

Hope to share more soon! 

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